60P神秘恐怖氛围灯光效果叠加60 Scary Halloween Lights Effect Overlay

该卷有60种不同的耀斑,纹理和辉光粉尘,曝光,蓝色耀斑,蓝光,带夜光效果的蓝色,不同形状,大小,光方向和颜色主题的高品质耀斑光背景。整张照片均由佳能5D Mark III,24-105毫米和85毫米镜头拍摄,并经过改编后可用于各种照片。
解决方法:300 dpi
60张风景图片:5760 x 3840
兼容:任何非线性编辑器:Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Premiere,Adobe After Effects,Final Cut,Sony Vegas,Movie Maker,Pinnacle,Avid,Davinci Resolve或任何您喜欢的合成应用程序。
60 Scary Halloween Light Pack is one of the Best Flare lights and Bokeh lights. You are provided with a perfect package of different lights that allow you to create the perfect look for your Halloween images, complement the story of your images and make them more natural.
This useful package is suitable for all types of Night Portrait Halloween pictures, behind the glass portrait pictures, horror photos, Halloween days, Night Photos, street celebration Halloween pictures, landscape photos, fantasy compositions, nature, and Portrait photos.
It contains an array of Flare lights that You can add to your work and make a perfect mood in your image or footage.
This Volume has 60 kinds of Different Flares, textures and glow dust, exposure, blue flare, blue light, blue with night effect, High-quality Flare light background in different shapes, sizes, light directions, and color themes. The entire picture has been taken by Canon 5D Mark III, 24-105 mm & 85 mm Lens, and they have been adapted to use on a wide array of pictures.
Use for all kinds of photos, ads, event screen displays, movie scenes. Make your imagination.
There is a full catalog, make sure to see the catalog first.
图穷联盟PS素材 » 60P神秘恐怖氛围灯光效果叠加60 Scary Halloween Lights Effect Overlay